Monday, January 01, 2007

It's Hanukkah in Chico

Hanukkah oh Hanukkah
Come light the Menorah.
We’ll have a party,
We’ll all dance the Hora...

Mia loves to light her own menorah and sing the blessings. Such a lovely voice...very talented.

Coming as it does right after her birthday, we sort of downplay the gift giving part. Mia got two gifts each night. A new pair of socks, and a book. For now she is just fine with that.

The local Chabbad House had a lighing of their giant menorah in the city square. It was a nice event. That is Lisa and me in front wearing the blue and brown coats. This picture was in the newspaper.

And then on to the Synagogue Hanukkah Party
Congregation Beth Israel puts on a pretty good party. It was lots of fun. Everyone brought their own Hanukkah menorahs and we all lit them together. There was a band and lots of singing and dancing.

Our friend Brian was there. He was wearing the sweater that you gave me which I donated to the Synagogue auction. He bought it in a fierce bidding war with two old ladies.

Mia was in the donut eating contest. She had to eat a donut hanging on a string without using her hands. She is a very talented girl.

And finally the religious school choir sang some songs. That’s Mia in the front center looking beautiful. Did I mention she is very talented???

It's Mia's 4th Birthday

And she had a lovely Princess cake. It had all her favorites, Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Arielle.
Yum, she loves the frosting.

And so many of her friends were there. Here are Sadie, Macy and jillian.
There were so many activities for the kids

Lisa's mom, Connie, ran a fishing booth where the kids fished for prizes.

Justin (a friend from Synagogue) did face paintings. Here he is painting a design on Desi's face.

And I made balloon hats and animals for the everyone.
Such a good time was had by all.