Happy New Year

So this year on Rosh Hashanah I got to actually take part. All my life I have just been a spectator, but now I am part of a Jewish community. On the first day I was honored to take the Torah out of the ark and carry it around for people to reach out and touch. Mia had a small little Torah and she and all the other children marched behind me. On the second day I was call upon to lift the torah and put it away. I love doing these things.

Lisa did an aleah on the second day. She would have done one on the first day too but she was teaching a pre-k class all about Rosh Hashanah. The Chico Jewish community has been good for my family and good for my soul.

It is a combination of the two. By going to Temple every week, I am known and know what to do. By being in a small community, I am, even though I am almost 60, one of the few people who can lift the Torah at the end of the reading. Especially at this time of year when the whole scroll and all the weight is on the right side.
I also don't turn down the Gabi when he asks me to do something. Surprisingly, almost half the people who get asked say no. Some women don't want to do it because of tradition, some people don't know what to do and are afraid of embarrassing themselves. Some just aren't in the mood. I always say yes. I am catching up for lost time.
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