Hi mom.

“Over the meadow and through the woods, to gandmother’s house we go.” Yes, off we went to Lisa’s mom’s house. Connie fixed the requisite turkey with all the trimmings, I made the cranberry sauce and candied yams, and we all stuffed ourselves.

Even Jack showed up to take some pictures of the festivities.

In the morning Mia made us a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs. She is such a great cook.

Lisa’s brother Jeff and his wife Anya were there. She is 7 months pregnant, but Jeff is a bit bigger and we all think he will deliver before she does.

Later we got dressed all nice and cozy and went outside. It was cold so I wore my silly beret.

Mia saw something on the ground and had to pick it up, showing the world that she has a great future as a plumber or a refrigerator repair man.
And finally, the whole group posed for a photo.

Anya Jeff Harvey Lisa Mia Roger Connie
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Love, Harvey, Lisa and Mia

“Over the meadow and through the woods, to gandmother’s house we go.” Yes, off we went to Lisa’s mom’s house. Connie fixed the requisite turkey with all the trimmings, I made the cranberry sauce and candied yams, and we all stuffed ourselves.

Even Jack showed up to take some pictures of the festivities.

In the morning Mia made us a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs. She is such a great cook.

Lisa’s brother Jeff and his wife Anya were there. She is 7 months pregnant, but Jeff is a bit bigger and we all think he will deliver before she does.

Later we got dressed all nice and cozy and went outside. It was cold so I wore my silly beret.

Mia saw something on the ground and had to pick it up, showing the world that she has a great future as a plumber or a refrigerator repair man.
And finally, the whole group posed for a photo.

Anya Jeff Harvey Lisa Mia Roger Connie
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Love, Harvey, Lisa and Mia